TANJUNGPINANG (TP) - Creativity in young children, especially in Tanjungpinang growing. It can be seen from the increasing number of distributions that emerge. As an illustration that designing hobby creativity poured into the shirt, which is then sold to the market.
Now there are the latest results from the creativity of young Tanjungpinang, namely Dadutt Clothing Factory, distro with the latest Melayu nuanced design theme.
Distro is located at Jalan Sriwijaya Blok M No. 2, has a different sales concept with others, with a system of cooperation between Dadutt Cothing with several distributions that exist in Tanjungpinang.
"We are deliberately not provide a place for consumers to shop. But we have a concept that is different from other shopping, that is working together with all distributions in Tanjungpinang with a draft cooperation we've created.
On average, our products have high quality materials with screen printing ink that does not easily fade, with prices that are suitable for all societies, with only 75 thousand, "said Avhidz, Clothing Dadutt manager, told Tanjungpinang Pos.
According to him, for his clothing products provide Melayu-themed products, and more concern to the theme of Melayu. Because coverage for Melayu is broad and could be marketed throughout the Riau Islands is not only in Tanjungpinang alias only.
Avhidz Admittedly, the idea gained from the big cities that have a souvenir T-shirts, like Dagadu Jogja.
"And for the concept is not the same, because we make it to the Melayu, for larger and broader in scope,''he said again.
"For consumers or customers who want to see the first results of our design, can directly go to our website at daduttproduction.blogspot.com," he said. (R)
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